School Lice Policy Greenville - Spartanburg, South Carolina and Surrounding Areas Schools across the Greenville - Spartanburg region have varying head lice policies. The American Academy of Pediatrics revised its guidelines in 2010 to adopt a "do not exclude" infested students recommendation for schools dealing with head lice. It has long encouraged schools to discontinue "no-nit" policies to prevent students from missing too much school. The National Association of School Nurses updated its position in 2011. In its guidance, the association said children found with live head lice should remain in class but be discouraged from close direct head contact with others and said the school nurse should contact the parent to discuss treatment. The National Pediculosis Association, to the contrary, advocates that schools have “no nit” policies to discourage the spread of head lice within the school environment. Learn mroe at
Greenville, SC Public School District

In Greenville the school head lice policy is outlined on its web site as follows: “School-age children who are not medically fragile should be sent home at the end of the school day if head lice are discovered. The child may return to school with a parent note after they have been treated …. Your child's school may recommend options for head lice treatment. The best way to prevent the spread of head lice is to limit contact with others until the person with head lice has been treated as outlined.” Below are excerpts from a letter prepared for parents giving more details of the Greenville schools head lice policy. “Dear Parents and Students: Based on our experience in the county schools, it was found that head lice have become a growing problem. This is reportedly true across the nation as well. Lice do not respect race, religion, age, social status, or education. Though they do not pose a major health hazard, they can be very irritating. This letter is designed to give you some general information about head lice and to enlist your help in preventing a problem in our schools during the coming year. How Do You Recognize The Problem? Itching of the scalp, persistent scratching especially about the neckline and ears. Seeing live lice: These are brown, grayish-white or may assume the color of the person's hair and are about the size of small ants. The lice should not be confused with dandruff which is thin and flaky. Seeing lice eggs (nits) attached to the hair shaft near the scalp: Nits are shiny, grayish-white ovals that look like dandruff or droplets of hair spray but cannot be flicked off. How Does The School Treat Lice? If a student is discovered to have head lice: The parent is notified. The student should be treated for head lice before returning to school.Parent will notify school that student has been treated. In some instances, students in an entire classroom may be checked for lice, however, this is time consuming and an interruption in the instructional program. Parents are expected to assume responsibility of checking their children's hair on a regular basis.” Learn more at
Spartanburg, SC Public School District
In nearby Spartanburg, the school district has a “no live lice” policy. The district web site proclaims, “The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control do not recommend or endorse mass screenings for head lice in the school setting. The most effective way of keeping lice at bay is for the parent to check their child/children often and seek treatment when found. Therefore, District Five schools do not conduct mass screenings for lice. If your child is found to have lice while at school you will be contacted and asked to pick them up. Treatment is required before they can return to the classroom. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school nurse and they will be glad to talk with you”. Learn more at
Pickens County Schools
Pickens County schools have more stringent requirements; basically the district retains a “no nit” policy. The districts requires that students with lice be removed from school and brought home to be treated. The site states that “Nits (lice eggs) should be removed from the hair to prevent a reoccurrence of the lice. In addition, a second shampoo treatment may be necessary. Parents should be aware that household items such as beds, linens, upholstered furniture, carpet, toys, clothing, hats, hairbrushes, and combs can be infested with head lice and will need to be cleaned to ensure extermination of the lice. Upon return to school, the student will be checked for live lice/nits before the student is permitted to return to the classroom.”
If your child has head lice, LiceDoctors is available 7 days a week, 365 days (and nights!) a year to help you get rid of the lice with no chemicals or pesticides. Call 864-214-6933 for in-home guaranteed treatment today.