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Everett School Lice Policy

Everett School Lice Policy
Created on 
March 5, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

In 2010, the Everett School District revised its lice policy; no longer are students excluded from school because of head lice.

“EVERETT, Wash. — Everett schools are allowing children with head lice to remain in class while they are being treated.

The district says the change in policy is based on thinking that missing class is worse than the risk of spreading the itchy parasites.” Source: The Daily Caller

It is important to note that head lice will not go away by themselves. They require treatment which involves physically removing the nits from the hair and killing the lice. Chemical treatments are often not effective in killing the lice and they do nothing to the nits. If you encounter a case of head lice call LiceDoctors today and an experienced technician will help you out. We guarantee it and 400,000 satisfied clients back us up! Make an appointment or ask a question at 206-316-8637 .


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Kent Schools Lice Policy
Created on 
March 6, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Kent Schools Lice Policy

Unlike surrounding school districts, Kent schools retain a “no nit” lice policy. Children with live bugs or nits will not be permitted to attend school.

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Manassas School Lice Policy
Created on 
March 4, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Manassas School Lice Policy

Please note that students in this school district will not be sent home on account of head lice.

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Dale City and Woodbridge School Lice Policies
Created on 
March 4, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Dale City and Woodbridge School Lice Policies

Dale City and Woodbridge are in Prince William County and adhere to the district lice policy which is no longer a “no nit” policy. Children with live lice may remain in school and go home at the end of the day to be treated. Children with nits may return to school. Children are not required to be free of nits before they return to school.

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