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Kent Schools Lice Policy

Kent Schools Lice Policy
Created on 
March 6, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Unlike surrounding school districts, Kent schools retain a “no nit” lice policy. Children with live bugs or nits will not be permitted to attend school.

“Head Lice – According to district procedure, any child with lice or nits will be excluded from school until adequately treated, and ALL nits are removed. Students will check in at the school office before returning to class. The first two days of absence because of head lice are excused. Any day of absence after two days is unexcused.”

There is no need to have your child miss another day of school. LiceDoctors will make a house call to your family and your technician will work diligently to ensure that your child is admitted to school the next day. Treatments are non-toxic and safe for all members of the family. Call LiceDoctors for your appointment in the Kent area at 206-316-8637 .

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

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Bellevue and Redmond Public Schools Lice Policy
Created on 
March 6, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Bellevue and Redmond Public Schools Lice Policy

Bellevue Schools no longer have a “no nit” policy. While schools have become more lenient regarding attendance with lice, you still need to get rid of the case. Lice will not go away by themselves. If you find that you have a head lice situation in your family, give LiceDoctors a call.

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Everett School Lice Policy
Created on 
March 5, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Everett School Lice Policy

In 2010, the Everett School District revised its lice policy; no longer are students excluded from school because of head lice.

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Manassas School Lice Policy
Created on 
March 4, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Manassas School Lice Policy

Please note that students in this school district will not be sent home on account of head lice.

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