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Lynn School Lice Policies

Lynn School Lice Policies
Created on 
June 7, 2018
Updated on 
July 19, 2020


Lynn schools allow students to remain in school even if they have nits.

“The Lynn Public Schools has revised its head lice policy to conform to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), the American School Health Association (ASHA), and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

Goals of this policy include the following:

  • identifying and containing cases
  • preventing unnecessary absenteeism
  • monitoring for signs of re-infestation
  • protecting confidentiality
  • educating and supporting students, parents and staff in the detection, treatment and prevention of head lice.
  • Students with live head lice visualized by the school nurse will be referred for treatment by contacting the parent/guardian by phone, if possible, or in writing before the end of the school day. They may stay in class for the remainder of the day. The student must be treated that evening and present to the school nurse with their parent or guardian to be re-examined the next school day. If there is no longer evidence of live lice, the child may attend school. If the treatment fails, they will be referred to their primary care provider. At the school nurse's discretion the child may be re-checked within 7-10 days of the initial treatment.

If a student has nits with no evidence of live lice they will be rechecked in one week for live lice and/or more frequently at the discretion of the school nurse.

Routine classroom or school-wide screening will not be done in the classroom setting with the exception of preschool and kindergarten at the school nurse's discretion. Siblings and known playmates may be checked in the privacy of the school nurse's office. Students who have symptoms may be referred to the school nurse as needed for examination.

Written information will be given to the parent/guardian to assist in treatment and prevention. The school nurse will provide education to the faculty. Resources will also be available on the school health services section of the LPS website.

In the event of persistent head lice, defined as three or more findings of live lice within a period of 6 weeks; the parent will be advised to contact their doctor for other treatment options. The school nurse will offer to make a home visit when all other treatments have failed.

ADOPTED S.C. - 4/11/13” Source Lynn Public School

If your child has a case of head lice or if you suspect that he or she might be harboring a case, call LiceDoctors at 617-517-4197 and we will send an experience lice technician to you to eradicate the lice. Your child will be able to return to school the following day…that’s a guarantee!

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

Book your appointment today




Lexington School Lice Policies
Created on 
June 5, 2018
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Lexington School Lice Policies

Lexington schools have a lice policy that focuses on educating parents. Children who have received treatment will be permitted to return to school.

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Weston School Lice Policies
Created on 
May 19, 2018
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Weston School Lice Policies

Weston schools have a “no nits” head lice policy, which means they do not allow students in school if there are lice or eggs present on the head. The school lice policy is as follows:

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