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Bakersfield Schools Lice Policy

Bakersfield Schools Lice Policy
Created on 
May 11, 2018
Updated on 
May 11, 2018

The district supports a “no nit” policy.

Students with head lice will be sent home for treatment.

“School employees shall report all suspected cases of head lice to the school nurse or designee as soon as possible. The nurse or designee shall examine the student and any siblings or affected students or members of the same household. If nits or lice are found, the student shall be excluded and parents/guardians informed about recommended treatment , ways to check the hair, and sources of further information.

The principal shall send home the notification required by law for excluded students.

If there are more than two students affected in any one classroom, all students in the class shall be examined and information about head lice shall be sent home to all parents/guardians in the class. Excluded students may return to school when the parents/guardians bring them to school and reexamination by the school nurse or designee shows that all pests and nits have been removed. Excluded students shall not ride any school bus until they are declared free of all pests and nits.” Source: Beardsley Elementary Handbook

If your child is found to have head lice in the Bakersfield area, call LiceDoctors at 661-371-4633 for same day service. Treatments are all natural, fully guaranteed, and covered by FSAs and HSAs, and by some insurance plans.

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

Book your appointment today




Corona School Lice Policy
Created on 
May 8, 2018
Updated on 
May 8, 2018

Corona School Lice Policy

Each school district develops its own lice policy, Corona is many schools that have opted to get rid of “no nit” lice policies which prevented children with lice eggs from attending school.

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School Lice Policy Fayetteville and Rogers and Surrounding Areas
Created on 
November 30, 2017
Updated on 
December 4, 2017

School Lice Policy Fayetteville and Rogers and Surrounding Areas

Many districts in Northwest Arkansas adhere to the most recent lice policy recommendations from the CDC. Guidelines follow:

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The Incidence of Head Lice is Increasing
Created on 
April 17, 2017
Updated on 
January 8, 2018

The Incidence of Head Lice is Increasing

Many families have experienced or know someone who has experienced head lice in Texas and in other states. You may hear people say in amazement that they can't believe how prevalent the incidence is.

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