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Sunnyvale and Mountain View School Head Lice Policies

Sunnyvale and Mountain View School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
June 3, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Schools in the Sunnyvale and Mountain View areas do not enforce a strict “no nit” policy for cases of head lice. Children will be excluded from the classroom if live lice are found, but not if only nits are present.

Mountain View

School employees shall report all cases of head lice to the school office as soon as possible. The district health staff or school office personnel shall examine the student and other students who are siblings of t he affected student or members of the same household as soon as possible.

If a student is found with active, adult head lice, the students will be sent to the office, and:

  • Parents are to be immediately contacted
  • The student will be excluded from school in order to receive proper treatment.
  • Reasonable precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of transmission to others; provided, however, that the student shall not be identified to other students, staff or parents as having head lice.

In order for the student to return to school:

  • The parent shall contact the school office to schedule an appointment for a readmission check.
  • A parent must accompany their child to school for such a readmission check.
  • Students will be readmitted to school ONLY after they have been checked by district health staff or school office personnel and have found to be free of live lice.
  • If live lice are present the student will NOT be readmitted to school.

Classroom checks will be done at the discretion of school health staff or school administration.

Source Mountain View Whisman School District


Sunnyvale Schools have a “no head lice” policy which means that:

  • Any student who has live bugs (not just nits) in their hair will be excluded at the end of the day and is not allowed to return to school until they receive treatment.
  • Following treatment, a child will be allowed back in school if his/her hair is free of lice (live bugs) upon re­inspection. Students will be examined by the district nurse’s designee upon returning to school.
  • Students that have been cleared of lice will be re­examined in 7 calendar days (or closest school day if the 7 th day falls on a weekend or holiday) by the district nurse’s designee.
  • Students found to have head lice (live bugs) upon re­examination will once again be excluded until they are lice­free.

“No Head Lice” and end­of­day exclusion policies are supported by national organizations such as the Center for Disease Control, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association and the National Association of School Nurses. Similar policies have been adopted successfully by school systems throughout the country. We recommend that you check all members of your household for lice and treat them as necessary. We recommend that you remind your child not to share personal items such as brushes or combs with friends or other classmates. If you have any further questions, please consult your healthcare provider or contact your school’s district nurse.

Source: Sunnyvale SD Student Health Policies

LiceDoctors is the local Bay Area leader in successfully treating head lice. Call 415-578-1245 today for convenient in-home treatment that will leave you confident that this case of lice is gone and will not return. We guarantee it!


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Portland, Oregon Area School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
March 27, 2017
Updated on 
July 23, 2020

Portland, Oregon Area School Head Lice Policies

There is great variation in school head lice policies across the country. One district may have a strict “no nit” policy while the neighboring town may have a far more lenient policy regarding readmission to school after a lice diagnosis.

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Norwalk, Downey and Whittier School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
June 3, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Norwalk, Downey and Whittier School Head Lice Policies

School districts can vary in their response to head lice from city to city and from school to school. Typically an entire school district will adopt a single unified policies for all schools, but it is important to check with your child’s school to be sure of their policy. The included policy links have been located for your convenience.

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Using Olive Oil for Lice Treatment: Does Olive Oil Kill Lice?
Created on 
March 27, 2017
Updated on 
June 12, 2024

Using Olive Oil for Lice Treatment: Does Olive Oil Kill Lice?

Can olive oil kill lice eggs and hatched bugs? In this article from LiceDoctors professionals, you will find out how to efficiently use olive oil for lice treatment.

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