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Simi Valley School Head Lice Policy

Simi Valley School Head Lice Policy
Created on 
September 3, 2019
Updated on 
January 30, 2023


The Simi Valley Public School District adheres to the California Health and Human Services Agency’s guidelines for identifying and treating lice, while reducing student absences. Their policy states:

“Head lice, while a significant nuisance problem, do not transmit disease to humans. Traditionally, head lice policies in schools emphasized that a child infested with head lice could not return to school until no nits were found in their hair (“no-nit” policy). There is no evidence that a no-nit policy prevents or shortens lengths of outbreaks (Pollack et al., 2000, Williams et al., 2001). The American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Association of School Nurses, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are all opponents of no-nit policies (Frankowski and Weiner, 2002; Schoessler, 2004). Furthermore, the “International Guidelines for Effective Control of Head Louse Infestations” state that “the no nit policy is unjust as it is based on misinformation rather than objective science and should be discontinued”

They suggest the following protocol for a Live Lice policy:

“Parents should check their children for lice regularly. If lice are seen on a child at school the parents should be called to pick up the child at the end of the school day and be given a copy of the 2 brochure “A Parent’s Guide to Head Lice”. At home, all members of the family must be checked for head lice. This policy allows the parent to treat the child overnight. The day following treatment, the child should be re-examined and admitted to class. If the child is still infested, then the parent should be re-contacted.”

Source: State of California Public Health

To be confident that your child will not miss any school, call LiceDoctors at 805-665-3633 in Simi Valley. Your technician will take the burden from you, alleviate the stress, and eliminate the lice. You can count on that!

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

Book your appointment today




Redondo Beach and Rancho Palos Verdes School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
September 5, 2019
Updated on 
June 12, 2023

Redondo Beach and Rancho Palos Verdes School Head Lice Policies

Schools in Redondo Beach and Rancho Palos Verdes do NOT adhere to strict "no nit" policies for head lice, but they do differ in how they manage active cases of head lice. 

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Beaverton and Tigard School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
September 3, 2019
Updated on 
July 17, 2020

Beaverton and Tigard School Head Lice Policies

It appears that both Beaverton and Tigard schools have done away with strict "no nit" policies.  However, schools would like notification, and will conduct screenings on any student who potentially has lice.

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Head Lice Drove Her Crazy Until She Found a Treatment that Worked!
Created on 
September 3, 2019
Updated on 
May 22, 2023

Head Lice Drove Her Crazy Until She Found a Treatment that Worked!

There are lice treatments and there are lice treatments. Some work and others don’t. Here LiceDoctors’ technician, Melissa, talks about how LiceDoctors made her life so much easier that she joined the team!

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