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Shine Some Light on Our Head Lice Problem

Shine Some Light on Our Head Lice Problem
Created on 
April 8, 2017
Updated on 
May 22, 2023

Perhaps you are sitting at the table in your Alabama home and you happen to look at your daughter's head just as a bug crawls out. OR You have sent your kids off school and are getting yourself ready for work, when a call comes from the school nurse telling you that your son has head lice. "How is that possible?", you may wonder "I look at that child every day, how did I possibly miss this?" Well head lice hide inside the hair, and their offspring called eggs or nits, camouflage in the hair.

Lice know just how to make it very difficult for you to find them; that is why and how they have lasted on this earth for hundreds of thousands of years. Among the tools that you need to combat lice and nits is bright light. Without a bright lamp or outside, natural sunlight, it will be even more challenging to find the lice.

Lamp for lice treatment

Gooseneck lamps are easy to manage. As you can observe in the above picture of a technician combing through the hair, the room is lit brightly. Keep in mind that nits are particularly small and since they blend into the hair, one needs all the help available to be able to spot every single nit. A 100 watt bulb is enough and it is important to aim the light right at the hair. While it is not required, some people find it useful to use a gooseneck lamp as it allows one to aim it at different spots on the head. Either a floor lamp or table lamp is fine. Even with a lamp, it is still an overwhelming chore for many families to take on the task of lice removal. You can't be "sort of" done with lice. Either you have gotten out all of the nits or you still have an active case that will not go away by itself.

If you want expertise and experience with a full guarantee, call LiceDoctors today in the Birmingham area at 205-598-2117  or in Montgomery, Alabama area at 334-557-1458 . We will come to you with the know-how and tools to eradicate the lice! Make An Appointment Today!

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

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Can Head Lice Live on Wigs?
Created on 
May 21, 2019
Updated on 
February 6, 2023

Can Head Lice Live on Wigs?

Head lice are invested in traveling through any hair type but they typically do not plan on staying if the hair isn’t attached to the scalp of a human, even if the wig is made of human hair.

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How To Calculate How Long You Have Had Lice
Created on 
June 1, 2022
Updated on 
May 31, 2022

How To Calculate How Long You Have Had Lice

If your child has been exposed to lice and you're wondering how long it will take until you know if you have lice, we can help.

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How to Get Rid of Lice in Hair Extensions
Created on 
February 2, 2021
Updated on 
February 3, 2021

How to Get Rid of Lice in Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are an extremely common practice among women today and a booming business within the beauty industry. But what to do if you have lice in your hair extensions? Read the post!

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