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Scientific American Speaks with LiceDoctors Owner lice professionals About Super Lice

Scientific American Speaks with LiceDoctors Owner lice professionals About Super Lice
Created on 
February 8, 2019
Updated on 
February 21, 2019

When it comes to fighting lice, experience counts, and with more than 20 years in the business LiceDoctors co-owner lice professionals is more than qualified to share her wisdom with Scientific American's readership. Click above for a discussion on why we are seeing an upswing in cases of so-called "Super Lice" and how best to combat it. 

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Treating Lice in Children with Autism and Sensory Issues
Created on 
February 19, 2019
Updated on 
October 4, 2023

Treating Lice in Children with Autism and Sensory Issues

Learn how to treat lice in children with special needs. Read this and get tips for making lice treatment easier for children with autism and sensory issues.

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Popular Science Interviews LiceDoctors Owner lice professionals
Created on 
December 12, 2018
Updated on 
April 18, 2023

Popular Science Interviews LiceDoctors Owner lice professionals

It’s the scourge all teachers and parents dread, haunting elementary schools, striking swiftly and unexpectedly. In a matter of days, it can infect all the children in a room.

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No Nit and No Lice Policy at School
Created on 
March 27, 2017
Updated on 
December 11, 2022

No Nit and No Lice Policy at School

Schools across U.S. drop their no nit policies. Read the post about pros and cons of no nit policy in schools and the reasons why no nit policy has no sense.

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