Schools in Pflugerville and Jollyville no longer adhere to strict “no nit” policies regarding head lice. It is expected that the infested students will be treated at home and then allowed to return to school.
Texas Laws and Rules
- There is no statute in Texas that addresses excluding children with head lice from school. Lice are not a public health threat, they do not carry disease. Therefore, the Department of State Health Services does not monitor or track cases of head lice.
PISD policy
PISD does not have a “no nits” policy.
- If active head lice/nits are found parents will be notified and recommend for the student to be picked up (cannot be made to pick up). If I am unable to contact the parents, the student will be returned to the classroom (the student will not remain in the nurse’s office and miss academic instruction).
- Head lice infestation is a social issue not a health threat. “No nit” policies place a disproportionate amount of emphasis on head lice management than on real health concerns which should be a higher priority. This over-emphasis can lead to unproductive use of time by school staff and parents, missed classes, unnecessary absences, and parents missing work.
- Per Changes in the Texas Administrative Code effective 12/20/2012 school exclusion requirements have been removed.
- Massive head sweeps will not be conducted.
- If you notice active itching please send them to me to complete individual hair checks.
Source: Pflugerville ISD Nurse

Lice Policy and Information
District policy:Head Lice Head lice are one of the nuisances that parents of students occasionally find themselves dealing with. RRISD follows the Texas Department of State Health Services recommendations. Individual head checks are performed on an as needed basis. Mass screenings will not be conducted. Parents are encouraged to periodically check their student’s head for lice. If a student is found to have live lice a parent or guardian will be contacted and the student will be sent home for treatment. For lice treatment recommendations and RRISD lice protocol, please contact your school nurse.
General Information Head Lice can occur in all children and at any age. It is not a sign of poor health habits or being dirty. So, let us share with you the ways to recognize head lice, to treat it and to prevent it from happening again. Head lice are tiny insects (parasites) that live in human hair, feeding on the scalp of the host. The lice hatch from small eggs or nits that are attached to the base of the hair at the scalp. The eggs hatch in seven to ten days and the new lice reach maturity in approximately two weeks. Because head lice multiply rapidly, prompt treatment is very important. Head lice are transmitted by head to head contact. Lice do not jump or fly. They also cannot live off of a human host for more than 24 hours.
WHAT YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR: Persistent itching of the head and back of the neck can indicate head lice. Also, look for scratch marks or a rash on the scalp. Look for lice or nits in the hair, close to the scalp. Sometimes, small white specks in the hair such as dandruff can be confused with nits. Nits are very difficult to remove, while dandruff will brush away easily. At school, we check for lice on individuals heads based on a parent request for their own student or based on teacher observation. Mass screenings are not conducted. You need to check your child routinely. Please call your campus nurse if you have questions.
INSTRUCTION FOR TREATMENT AND CONTROL OF HEAD LICE and NITS: Before using the pediculicide, shampoo your child’s hair to remove any of the products currently in the hair, then dry the hair. This will allow the pediculicide to work properly. You can use any effective lice treatment. If you need advice, check with your pharmacist or physician on which pediculicide to use. Remove all nits from the hair. Using a metal comb will not remove all of the nits. Some must be removed manually. Removing the nits is key to successful treatment. Wash clothes, bed linens and towels. Use hot water and dry on the hottest setting for 20 minutes. Wash any stuffed animals that your child sleeps with. Soak combs and brushes in hot water and or disinfectant. The water must be 130 degrees F and soak for at least 10 minutes. Vacuum carpets, upholstered furniture, pillows, mattresses and cars. REPEAT TREATMENT of the hair in 7-10 days to assure that any newly hatched lice will be killed. Children may return to school after they have received their first treatment with an effective pediculicide and the nurse has checked their hair.
Source: Deepwood School Nurse - RRISD
Head lice is a fact of life for families of school aged children, but it doesn’t need to be a crisis. LiceDoctors is here 365 days a year for day or evening appointments so you can return your child to school confident they are lice free. Call 512-318-2929 for same day treatment.