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Head Lice In The Trees? - NO!

Head Lice In The Trees? - NO!
Created on 
January 21, 2020
Updated on 
July 5, 2023

Last autumn my family was fortunate enough to be able to go on a bayou swamp tour in Louisiana. On a gorgeous cool but sunny day we boarded a flat bottomed boat with about a dozen other people and embarked upon a lazy two hour cruise through the cypress and gum trees.

alligator sunning in the duckweed swamp.

Our guide was a native of the region with a distinctive mixture of southern drawl and Cajun patois. He narrated our journey with various tidbits, factoids and myths associated with the swamps. We learned that a “bayou” is actually a slow moving river while a swamp is a wetland with trees. 

painted turtles huddled on stump in swamp.jpg

It was a glorious perfect day. We saw so many beautiful, exotic, mysterious and even creepy flora and fauna.

Great white egret.
  • ✓    Alligators – check.
  • ✓    Great White Egret – check.
  • ✓    Bald Eagles – check.
  • ✓    Duckweed – check.
  • ✓    Cypress trees – check.
  • ✓    Spanish moss – check.
  • ✓    Lice – cheeecck…. Wait, what?!??
bald eagle perched on dead branch.

Yep. You heard that right. Our guide cautioned us that we should not get tooooo close to the ubiquitous beautiful draping moss because it housed – you guessed it, LICE! Now He was charming and this was obviously part of his schtick and patter to wow and awe his tour groups, I also didn’t want to diminish anyone’s enjoyment of their excursion, so I kept my lice expertise to myself. But he was quite wrong. Human head lice need HUMANS to survive, so unless there were some truly squirrelly folks living in the trees, there could not be head lice living in the trees either! 

Bayou swamp Cypress trees with Spanish moss

When I got home I had to Google it because I couldn’t imagine what could possibly spawn such a myth. It turns out that chiggers (tiny little red biting bugs that do NOT set up camp and live on human hosts) occasionally live in Spanish Moss and for ages have been misidentified as lice by generations of folks in the southern US. So. For the record. If you should find yourself floating through a swamp, rest assured you cannot get head lice from the beautiful drooping Spanish Moss.
If you do find yourself with head lice from a normal source, like hugs from a loved one, call LiceDoctors in New Orleans and all of Louisiana at  504-521-7573

Bayou swamp tour Spanish Moss.

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

Book your appointment today




Bensalem and Bristol School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
January 21, 2020
Updated on 
June 25, 2020

Bensalem and Bristol School Head Lice Policies

Schools in Bensalem and Bristol still hold to “no nit” policies, meaning children will not be readmitted after a head lice outbreak if any nits are present.

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Garden City and Franklin Square School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
January 16, 2020
Updated on 
June 25, 2020

Garden City and Franklin Square School Head Lice Policies

The Garden City School Board policy indicates that they do not hold to a strict no-nit policy, instead only they exclude children who are proven to be a risk for spreading head lice.

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Lakewood and Parkland School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
February 20, 2020
Updated on 
June 20, 2023

Lakewood and Parkland School Head Lice Policies

The Lakewood School District still adheres to a “no nit” policy, while Parkland schools adhere to a more lenient policy that allows children to return to school once treatment has begun. 

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