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Galveston School Head Lice Policy

Galveston School Head Lice Policy
Created on 
May 22, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Schools in the Galveston area work with parents to get children back to the classroom quickly, sometimes as soon as a single treatment has been implemented.


Head Lice (All Grade Levels) Head lice, although not an illness or a disease, is very common among children and is spread very easily through head-to-head contact during play, sports, or nap time and when children share things like brushes, combs, hats, and headphones. If careful observation indicates that a student has head lice, the school nurse will contact the student’s parent to determine whether the child will need to be picked up from school and to discuss a plan for treatment with an FDA approved medicated shampoo or cream rinse that may be purchased from any drug or grocery store. After the student has undergone one treatment, the parent should check in with the school nurse to discuss the treatment used. The nurse can also offer additional recommendations, including subsequent treatments and how best to get rid of lice and prevent their return. More information on head lice can be obtained from the TDSHS website at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/schoolhealth/lice.shtm.

Source: Galveston ISD Student Handbook

If you should receive the dreaded note from school that head lice has been found in your child‘s classroom, or seemingly worse, that it‘s your child who has lice, for many this is a source of stress and anxiety. But it doesn‘t have to be. LiceDoctors is available day and night to relieve the burden, treat the lice, and give you confidence to send your child back to school. Call 713-966-6116 today for peace of mind and to quickly get back to a lice-free life.

We provide a friendly in-home lice removal service

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Can You Die From Lice? Is It Reality or Just a Myth?
Created on 
May 22, 2019
Updated on 
October 28, 2021

Can You Die From Lice? Is It Reality or Just a Myth?

It has been said too much of anything can kill you. Is this the case with head lice? When a someone out that he or she is infested with these little satanic bugs, it may seem like the end of the world-- like there’s no recovering from this. But the great news is that no case of head lice is too terrible to tame, and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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Single Mom Deals with Head Lice
Created on 
May 23, 2019
Updated on 
July 19, 2020

Single Mom Deals with Head Lice

Eureka! This single parent finally finds help on the Internet after trying to self-treat for a month. LiceDoctors client Kindra G. shares her head lice treatment journey.

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Burbank and Glendale School Head Lice Policies
Created on 
May 31, 2019
Updated on 
December 9, 2022

Burbank and Glendale School Head Lice Policies

Schools in the Burbank and Glendale areas hold to a no-lice policy rather than the previously enforced no-nit policy.

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