School Lice Policies Dayton, Ohio and Surrounding Areas
Each school district in the Dayton area is responsible for establishing its own head lice policy. Many district no longer retain "no nit" policies which prohibit students from returning to school until all lice eggs have been extracted. According to Ann Connelly, head of the School Nursing Program at the Ohio Department of Health, “There is no state or federal requirement for schools to adopt a specific head lice policy. CDC does not recommend a no-nit policy, and more schools are moving toward a no-live lice policy rather than no-nit. Policies are developed and implemented at the local school level.” The rationale behind this recommendation is that too many children were missing many days of school for a condition that is a nuisance but not harmful. In addition by the time the case is diagnosed, the child has likely been in the class for at least a few weeks, giving him or her plenty of opportunity to share the lice with classmates. More information:
Dayton Public School District--No More "No Nit" Policy
"Based upon the professional judgment of the school nurse, students with live lice or signs of active infestation will be excluded from school. Students who have been sent home should receive prompt treatment for lice and are expected to return to school the following day, free of live organisms. Upon return to school, the student and parent/guardian must report directly to the school nurse, provide information about the treatment utilized and have the student’s hair checked before reporting to class. Parents should check their child weekly for head lice. Chronic cases and instances of non-treatment will result in unexcused absences and referral to the school attendance officer and/or court. YES – Your child can be in school if he or she has had an initial treatment of shampooing of hair with a product for lice." More information:
Brookville Schools
This district sends home the following information. "Every year, children get head lice. It can happen to anyone. The more you know, the better prepared you’ll be to completely eliminate it from your family and home. Head lice can be present at any time – but are often seen when children are back in school after summer or Christmas breaks. When a head lice infestation is confirmed, it is often helpful to contact the school nurse to do follow up head checks in the classrooms. Head lice are tiny wingless insects that live on the human scalp. They are about as big as sesame seeds. Head lice live off the human by sucking the blood. Lice cannot fly or jump from one person to another; they can only crawl. Children can get head lice from head to head contact with other infested children. Head lice can only survive on humans. They cannot survive off the host for longer than 24 – 48 hours. Lice can be passed around on shared combs, brushes, hats, towels, linens, and other personal items that touch heads. Eggs (nits) are laid by the female louse and are about the size of a poppy seed. They are very difficult to see because their color easily blends in with the infested child’s hair. Eggs are laid and attached near the root of the hair. Nits can vary in color, from yellowish brown to white. As the hair grows, nits are usually found further from the root of the hair. Lice live approximately 30 days. Eggs hatch in 10- 12 days."
Xenia Public Schools

This district has a "no live lice" policy but not a "no nit" policy. "8451 - PEDICULOSIS (HEAD LICE) Head lice is a universal problem and is particularly prevalent among elementary school-age children. Control of lice infestation is best handled by adequate treatment of the infested person and his/her immediate household and other close personal contacts. Communication from the school to parents directly and through parent and classroom education to the students will help increase the awareness for both parents and child. Parents need to continually observe their child for this potential problem and treat adequately and appropriately as necessary. If a child in the District is found to have lice, the child's parent will be contacted to have the child treated and to pick him/her up immediately. After treatment and upon returning to school, the child will be examined by the school health staff or principal. The District practices a policy of "no live lice as a criteria for return to school. The Superintendent shall prepare administrative guidelines to provide for the implementation of this policy. Adopted 6/11/12" More information:
Yellow Springs School District
"If your student is identified as having a possible communicable disease (such as impetigo, conjunctivitis or ‘pink eye’, or lice), you will need to pick them up from school immediately. Do not return the student to school until treatment has occurred or there is documentation that the child is free of communicable disease. There is no clinic in the school, and only limited space to rest." More information:
Tipp City Public School District
Tipp City schools have dropped their "no nit" policies as shown below: "School or no school? The American Association of Pediatrics, National Association of School Nurses, & the CDC have discontinued “no nit” policies because:
- Nits are cemented to the hair making it difficult to transfer to others.
- The burden of unnecessary absenteeism to the students, families, & communities far outweighs the risks associated with head lice.
- And misdiagnosis of nits is very common when conducted by nonmedical personnel."
More information:
Troy School District
Students with live lice may not come to school but they may return after treatment with nits. "Troy City Schools Pediculosis (Lice) Policy Identified students are sent home the day of identification, with instruction concerning appropriate treatment of individual(s) and environmental care. Parents/Guardians are instructed that school policy requires that students return to school only if free and clear of lice. If the student returns to school without complete removal of lice, they will be sent home until they are lice free. Students should be able to return to school within 1 day (including weekends) after being sent home. Parents /Guardians have the responsibility to continually remove nits, even though the student may return to school with nits. Those who remain out for extended periods of time due to ineffective treatment will be turned over to the Principal who has the authority to notify the School Attendance Officer which may result in a court referral." More information: Please check with your child's school to be sure that you are aware of the most updated school lice policy. LiceDoctors will come to your home and treat you at your convenience. Give us a call today at (937) 356-3578.